
7 Soft Skills for Preschool Teachers to Master!



No matter if a teacher focuses on math, English, physics, or history, they must be experts in that field. There are also more elusive attributes that cannot be assessed that can help educators become better, more effective teachers. While an educator’s mastery of their subject area can be measured in terms of grades, certifications, and tests. Although these abilities, often known as “soft skills,” can’t be tested, they can nevertheless be improved over time to help educators connect with students, coworkers, and parents of students more effectively.

Teachers are in charge of laying a solid foundation in a student’s life because they are the country’s future. Additionally, teachers should set a strong example of communication whenever they interact with parents and children because it is expected that students will be proficient communicators. Successful teachers have strong speaking, reading, writing, and listening abilities. To properly manage a class, a teacher must possess a wide range of knowledge and abilities, including both hard and soft talents.




  • Makes it easier for them to create more engaging lessons
  • As an example for the students
  • To converse with children on their terms
  • Allows them to be effective leaders
  • Increases their approachability
  • Allows them to pay attention to the requirements of the kids





It is possible to say that soft skills comprise all aspects of generic skills, including the cognitive components connected to non-academic skills. The most important abilities in the present global job market, particularly in a rapidly changing technological environment, are considered to be soft skills. The relevance of these so-called soft skills is also related to the reorientation of education, which is one belief in education for sustainability.

To decide which specific soft skills should be employed and implemented in higher education institutions, expert perspectives have been sought. Seven soft talents have been identified and chosen to be implemented in all local higher education institutions based on the research findings. As follows:

  • Effective communication abilities.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Teamwork in the workplace
  • Information management and lifelong learning, section four
  • Entrepreneurial aptitude
  • Integrity, morals, and professionalism
  • Possessing leadership qualities




1. Communication



Think about a teacher you had in the past who was not able to impart knowledge as effectively as you would have desired. They probably had poor communication skills, which is why they had problems explaining topics to you.

To be able to speak clearly and to ensure that the communication is at the appropriate level, one must possess good communication skills.

The student won’t learn something if you make it too complicated for them to understand.

The student will likely find it a little dull if you teach them something that is overly simple.

As educators, we must be able to convey knowledge in a way that is both fascinating and appropriate for the pupils. The zone of proximal development is how education theory describes this ideal communication zone that is neither too difficult nor too simple.

2. Listening 



Teachers talk a lot—they explain guide discussions, and provide demonstrations. However, listening is a skill that not everyone possesses, frequently because they are unaware of how powerful it can be.

Listen carefully to understand and communicate to the kids that their voice matters and their opinion is important.

Students are more likely to truly understand what they are studying and remember it when they feel like they are participating in the discourse.

These types of open-ended discussions can help students transition from being passive knowledge consumers to more independent learners.

3. Organization Skills 



Preschoolers can throw you off balance as they haven’t learnt to control their emotions yet or self-regulate. So your ability to organize the learning outcomes you want to achieve through your interactions with them will be crucial to make sure that you get the curriculum done and control your classroom effectively through a lot of chaos and turmoil that these kids will most certainly bring in. 

Therefore, a teacher must be extremely organized and know exactly where all of their resources are in order to be able to acquire them and make them available to students as needed.

In a similar vein, they should ensure that their lesson is prepared before entering the classroom rather than entering with an unorganized, unclear plan of action.

4. Emotional Intelligence 



Each child will bring in emotional baggage from home. Your ability to stay calm while handling each one the way they need to be handled will be tested on an hourly basis. 

No matter how enraged or disturbed you become, you must be able to restrain your feelings so that you don’t end up like everyone else who loses control of their emotions.

In order to avoid letting their worry or rage show on the kids, teachers must be aware of when they are feeling these emotions. They must constantly examine and control their own emotions.

In the classroom, a teacher must always maintain composure and a cheerful attitude.


5. Leadership Abilities



A teacher must make sure they are in complete control of the class at all times.

Particularly on parent-teacher nights, teachers may even need to make sure that they are leading the parents as well.

Teachers must be able to interact with parents and inform them of the direction the curriculum is taking and their child’s progress in that direction.

Teachers may need to develop leadership abilities as their careers advance to manage other teachers. Like the captain of a ship – you will be responsible for the ship sailing through calm waters and storms as well as managing the interaction of all the people on the ship.

For instance, a school’s headmaster or principal must serve as a role model for other teachers and assist in their efforts to develop as instructors.

6. Creative Problem-Solving



These skills are essential in order to defuse potentially volatile situations before they go out of hand.

You should act as a mediator in addition to being a subject matter expert when teaching pre-primary students. You should be able to resolve any internal and external conflicts that may develop in the classroom and negatively affect student learning. You should be prepared to take on obstacles and use the best strategy to overcome the circumstance or crisis juncture, whether it be preventing a minor incident from turning into a significant one, handling a conflict, or removing a barrier that is impeding a student’s learning.


7. Empathy 



Deep love and understanding of children and their emotional, mental and physical needs at the preschool age will be crucial to your success. 

Your students will learn to manage their emotions and show compassion for one another if you model empathy for them. Building strong social-emotional skills in your students will help your class and future classrooms. If classroom community standards aren’t discussed and promoted, classes won’t run well.


How can TCC help you in mastering your soft skills?


Others have to put in a lot of effort to become “great teachers,” while teaching comes rather readily to some who are born leaders. Whichever group you fit into, these top abilities and traits can give you a significant advantage if you want to assist young kids and leave a lasting impact.

We at The Confident Communicator can help you improve these soft skills. Being a teacher myself, I know the importance of soft skills and how it impacts students. We provide individual coaching and group sessions for pre-school teachers as well according to your preference.


Deepma is a co-founder and trainer at The Confident Communicator, and is having the time of her life empowering children, teenagers, women, corporate executives, friends and family live their best life. She helps people become effective in the art and science of communication, build their self esteem, and conquer their deepest fears. She conducts training programs in Communication Skills, Leadership and Assertiveness for young adults and corporates, and has co-developed several products in line with the Company’s mission of Empowerment. "Our kids are grappling with the pressures of social media, stalking and seeking instant gratification, and it is our duty to help them rise above these influences and empower them to build positive self worth, and resilience."

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